libby at computer pointing

This Dietitian TEACHES Theatre health

The Broadway DietitianTM


Self-Paced Online Course

Together we’ll be unlimited…

  • Do you need help knowing how to eat to keep up energy in rehearsals?
  • Do you struggle with disordered eating in the entertainment industry?
  • Are you worried about having digestive issues on stage?
  • Want to really hone your vocal health?
  • Up your physical fitness game?
  • Do you have so much to do that adding lengthy health routines and researching best practices is unappealing?

Look no further than Whole Health For Performers, by the Broadway Dietitian®

As a MT performer myself, I get what your life is like. As a healthcare professional, I can help yo umake it easier and your career last longer – without gimmicks, diets, or overthinking.

 Actor, dancer, drag performer, musician, comedian…you use your body and mind in ways that normal people just don’t.

Insert: Whole Health for Performers

This seminar covers nutrition, fitness, vocal health, mental health, and more as it relates to long rehearsal days, specific stage needs (like heat stroke from stage lights and hot costumes), and lack of time to have complex health routines.
All from a non-diet approach (no body shaming here!).

Don’t throw away your shot – enroll today!


Butter a carb? Nope.

Let’s bust some myths like this, and help you take care of your beautiful body!

Learn more about What is the dietitian’s role on the dance sports medicine team,
​and Libby’s interview with Broadway Body Positivity Project about body positivity and health in the entertainment industry.  
Libby also writes for Backstage Magazine and other performing publications, see her page of articles and interviews here.

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts as soon as you enroll! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all web-devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us within the first 48 hours of purchase and we will give you a full refund.

Who is this course for?

Performers who want to know how to prevent gastrointestinal issues at performance time, get the timing of food for ENERGY, overcome barriers to healthier living, and find out ​what NOT to do performance (and every-) day. It is for performers (community, regional, high school, professional), directors (teach your actors), and drama or dance teachers. This course is not fro professional athletes, or those not invested in creating a healthier lifestyle.

Why Learn from Libby?

So many reasons…. Not only do I have 8 years of higher education (plus job experience) in nutrition and health (check out my linked-in or about me pages on my website), I have been a personal trainer, and more importantly – I am a performer! I have been on stage (mainly community theatre) since I was 11 years old, and fell in love with it. I sing, dance, and act (in musical theatre and take lessons – and I played violin for 5 years), and do this while working full-time. I understand the difficulties of balancing work and/or school with a theatrical production/ rehearsals/ dance classes, and the struggle to stay healthy, get enough sleep, eat well (enough) to feel good, and deal with mental and emotional health issues in relation to performance. I have had the beginning phases of heat stroke in rehearsal, lost my voice, had to figure out what food I can pack that won’t upset my stomach, and other experiences you may have had. I learned from experience, and finally researching the science to see what can I (and YOU) do to not have these problems again. If you notice common issues I have missed in this course – let me know! I want this to be comprehensive, and will continue to add to it at no additional cost to you. There is also a private facebook community where you can share your struggles and successes with other like-minded performers.

“I’ve only just started Whole Health for Performers and the course has helped me in these ways:

1. I bought new, effective running shoes and threw out my sub-par ones that weren’t cutting it, and were enabling my less active ways.

2. I’ve been eating more healthy, balanced meals. Not always, but more often, and I’m reaping the benefits, and developing a craving for better foods as well.

3. Due to becoming more aware and healthy, I’ve noticed what’s been ailing me, and unfortunately, being a pothead wasn’t the best thing for me. So I’ve given weed up for a month and my stomach and mind are clearer. Who knew that excessive amounts of a drug that I thought was helping my stomach and mood was part of what was causing negative effects, in the gastro-intestinal and anxiety department?

Thanks Libby for helping me be more self-aware and getting me more on track! I need this in order to finish my song cycle, tackle my album release with my band and, hell, live longer and more anxiety free! I have OCD and this kind of awareness is exactly what I need.”

- anonymous course student

“I feel so much healthier at the end of this course than I did in the beginning, because I am healthier. That really says a lot for me too because usually I am so exhausted by the end of [the semester].”

- anonymous course student