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Wow, it’s already been one year since this website went live on my birthday, and what an amazing year it has been!


In the last year, The Broadway Dietitian…

-became a registered trademark!

-was accepted to speak at Broadway Con 2022 (coming this July!)

Body-Positive Nutrition for Performing Your Best, On and Off-Stage

-spoke at 4 college theatre programs

Marymount Manhattan Testimonial The Broadway Dietitian

-began talks to create a for-credit college health class for BFA students with a New York University, and

-started working on a health book specifically for theatre athletes (which will be the textbook)

theatre health book

-spoke on several theatre platforms

Dancer Nutrition

-published 19 blog posts

-created merchandise

All in addition to my main business Not Your Average Nutritionist! What’s next?

Stay tuned 😉

Check back for blogs, vlogs, and follow me on instagram @thebroadwaydietitian and my YouTube channel (click image to go to it).